What’s happening this Christmas 2024

We start off on the 1st December, the 1st Sunday in Advent which is the season of expectation and preparation as the Church prepares to celebrate the coming of Christ. The 4 weeks of Advent offer a time of hope, love, peace and joy.

On the 15th December we’d love to encourage the church family to come along and celebrate Christmas together as we explore our own traditions and what Christmas means to us. It’s a chance for you to invite friends and families too. We don’t expect everyone to come to all of it but everyone is welcome to come to which ever times work for them! 

On the 19th December join as we follow the star to different churches in Tadley and watch the Christmas story unfold before your very eyes through drama.

Sunday 22nd December at 10:30am join us for a Christmas Carol Service that celebrates God’s great love in giving us Jesus.  Because of this we can experience Hope, Peace, Love & Joy in our lives.  We will celebrate this through readings, songs and stories that young and old can join in with.


Join us this Sunday at The Link, Tadley. The service starts at 10:30am and finishes at 12pm.


Choose from any of the many different activities, events and meetings we participate in either as a part of our church, or with other churches in Tadley, or with the broader community


There are many ways to engage with us, just as there are many ways in which to connect with Jesus through His Church. Get in touch, or connect through social media. Better still, come to one of the many events coming up.


Member of Churches Together Around Tadley, Forge and the Evangelical Alliance.

Part of Community Churches Connected, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company No. 3476768 Registered Charity No. 1067316