Children & Youth

I am Sam, the CTAT Youth Pastor, and I work with all the Churches around Tadley

I’m here to support children & young people in our community, by working closely with our local churches, schools and other organisations.

A typical day will see me running and planning assemblies, mentoring children in both primary and secondary schools as well as planning community events for our young people to attend. I work very closely with the schools in our community to identify the needs in our community and try to address them with different solutions.

Longer term planning includes working with the team at Compassionate Communities and running the annual Holiday Club, with the hope to run more throughout the year.  I am always on the lookout for people to help with these things so please check out the links on the Child and Youth page if you want to be involved.

It is also important to raise funding for all of this. If you are able to make a regular commitment or just a single donation please click here.

Seek+Find Youth Club

Is open for all Youth aged 11-17 within the church and the greater Tadley community.

The next one starts on the 12 January Seek+Find Youth (12-Jan-2024) · ChurchSuite Events


Join us this Sunday at The Link, Tadley. The service starts at 10:30am and finishes at 12pm.


Choose from any of the many different activities, events and meetings we participate in either as a part of our church, or with other churches in Tadley, or with the broader community


There are many ways to engage with us, just as there are many ways in which to connect with Jesus through His Church. Get in touch, or connect through social media. Better still, come to one of the many events coming up.


Member of Churches Together Around Tadley, Forge and the Evangelical Alliance.

Part of Basingstoke Community Churches, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company No. 3476768 Registered Charity No. 1067316