At the start of last year we prayed for “more in ‘24”.
As you look back on 2024, how has God answered that prayer for you? For us?
Let’s join with the writer in Psalm 77:11-13 and say:
I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.
I will ponder all your work and meditate on your mighty deeds.
Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God?
We also look forward to the year ahead. This year I’m seeking for “more to thrive in ‘25”. And over the next few Sundays we will look at this together. Please join us in seeking God and prayerfully reflecting on this.
Pete & Marian Hay – Leaders
More to Thrive in 25 ……
is the phrase that Pete has been encouraging us to think about and that we will be exploring more at our All Age meeting this Sunday. Last week he showed the picture of the shoots, each at a different stage of growth.
This has made me think back to watching our crops growing on the farm. How in such a short time we would see shoots coming from the seed in the ground and the hope and longing that it would all grow and mature into a bumper harvest. I would learn that you can’t just plant the seed and then leave it, but it needed to be cared for, watched over, feed and nurtured. If we weren’t vigilant then the shoots would be delicious food for the deer, rabbits and pigeons. Soon big areas would be left with no crop growing. Dad would have a variety of ways to keep the numbers of ‘pests’ down!! Some more successful than others!
It is the same with the things that we set out to do for the Kingdom of God. God may give us a dream or desire that we plant like a seed. In time maybe we see it begin to look like something. A new group or an initiative of some sort takes shape. We then need to take care of it, pray, watch over and nurture it. However, I am so grateful that it doesn’t just come down to our own efforts but that we have a loving Heavenly Father who also watches over us and the work that we do. Giving us wisdom and understanding of His right ways of doing things. When we live righteously, seeking first His Kingdom then I believe that we can look forward to a bumper harvest.
Be encouraged to keep looking at the things that you do for God’s Kingdom, sowing the seed, tending the shoots and actively pursuing the way of wisdom and righteousness. That together we would see More to Thrive in 25.
Matthew 6v33
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and He will give you everything you need. (NLT)
Join us this Sunday at The Link, Tadley. The service starts at 10:30am and finishes at 12pm.
Choose from any of the many different activities, events and meetings we participate in either as a part of our church, or with other churches in Tadley, or with the broader community
There are many ways to engage with us, just as there are many ways in which to connect with Jesus through His Church. Get in touch, or connect through social media. Better still, come to one of the many events coming up.
Member of Churches Together Around Tadley, Forge and the Evangelical Alliance.
Part of Community Churches Connected, a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales. Company No. 3476768 Registered Charity No. 1067316